Every Friday at 18h- Time for Zumba! (Free& Open you all)

Every Friday at 18h- Time for Zumba! (Free& Open you all)

Every Friday 18h ?? #timeforzumba Thank you to our volunteer instructor Shaira? Main idea of our organisation is to encourage women and promote active, healty and social life. Free and open you all ladies.Come and share your time with us? Why Zumba? This extremely fun workout incorporates a lot of routines that will improve your cardiovascular system, which is extremely helpful in your fight to lose that unwanted weight. ?You’ll be able to tone your entire body in no time.Because during a Zumba class, you are supposed to move your body to the rhythm of the music, your muscles will be engaged to make some specific moves like squats and twists, thus allowing you to tone your entire body without even realizing ?By attending a Zumba class, you’ll be able to meet and interact with interesting and fun?Zumba is the perfect workout to take if you want to get rid of all that stress you accumulate during your every day life.